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Author: ejdadmin

Food prices & public health messages in a time of Covid-19.

Media statement covers food price spikes, DTI Disaster Management Regulations, omissions in DTI Regulations, observations from the supermarket floor, and important public health message. Food prices & public health messages in a time of Covid-19

Budget 2020: Minister, there seems to be an error in your maths on the Child Support Grant?

In the Budget Speech Minister Mboweni said that “The child support grant will increase by R20 to R445 per month.”  But … the child support grant is currently valued at R430 a month.  A R20 increase on R430 raises the child support grant to R450. Budget 2020: Child support grant

Resource for Media: Budget 2020

The resource below includes our latest household affordability data for February 2020 and STATSSA’s latest jobs data. We will be assessing Budget 2020 based on its impact on household affordability and the socio-economic situation households living on low-incomes experience. Budget 2020

Increasing the National Minimum Wage by 3,8% will reverberate negatively across all our developmental outcomes and act to plunge our economy into even deeper decline and possibly even higher job losses.

The Minister of Employment and Labour has gazetted a 3,8% increase for South Africa’s National Minimum Wage for 2020, to be instituted on 1 March 2020. The 3,8% is lower than the 5% recommended by the National Minimum Wage Commission. For a General Worker, currently on an R20 hourly rate, the 3,8% increases the hourly…
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Use pensioners’ old-age grant to drive an economic recovery

Every month government injects ±R6,2bn directly into the economy through the instrument of the old-age grant. ±3,5 million pensioners receive this money directly into their pockets and spend every cent of this money directly in the economy. At least once a month every economic hub in South Africa is boosted. Economic activity flourishes. Across South…
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Media-Statement: National Minimum Wage proposed increase of 5%

Commission’s recommendation for a 5% increase in the National Minimum Wage will deepen the economic crisis and worker poverty.  The National Minimum Wage [NMW] was introduced in January 2019 to improve the wages of millions of the lowest paid workers and protect workers from unreasonably low wages.  The NMW was set at R20 an hour…
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January 2020 Household Affordability Index shows dramatic spikes in food prices

That ‘’Janu-worry’’ has entered the national lexicon is an indication that the household affordability crisis is no longer solely a working-class issue.  More households are struggling to make ends meet and this struggle is getting harder.   The January 2020 Household Affordability Index shows dramatic spikes in food prices.   Month-on-month the cost of the…
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Spikes in Food Prices takes cheer out of festive season for poor and working-class families

December has seen dramatic spikes in food prices with prices increasing for most of the meats and vegetables in the household food basket. It is expected that prices rise annually in December. These increases however are harder to absorb during this time because of the shorter working days and hours in this period. Workers have…
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Deficit in the National Minimum Wage widens by 5% year-on-year.

We are close to marking one year since the introduction of the National Minimum Wage.  The value at which the NMW is set will be reviewed.   Workers work to support their families.  Workers reasonably expect that their wages will cover the real costs of several core basic goods and services.   To be productive…
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August 2019 Household Affordability Index: Transport and Electricity takes up 58,7% of the August National Minimum Wage (exemption level) of R3 024.

One of the most striking features of the August HAI is that of the influence of the recent taxi fare hikes and electricity increases for low-paid workers.  In Pietermaritzburg taxi fares increased by ±7,7% and electricity by 13,07.  In August the typical transport cost for a low-paid worker in Pietermaritzburg is R1 176 per month and…
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